Plot |
"Ocean's Twelve" is the follow to the movie "Ocean's Eleven." In the first movie, a crew of thieves steal millions of dollars from a major Las Vegas casino. In this movie, the casino operator Terry Benedict, played by Andy Garcia, tracks down the thieves and demands repayment. Daniel Ocean, portrayed by George Clooney, reassembles his ten fellow thieves to figure out a way to pay Benedict back. They decide to pull some heists in Europe. While pulling a job, the crew discovers they have a rival thief who has set them up. A side story in this movie is the ongoing attempt to mend a broken relationship between a crew member, Rusty Ryan played by Brad Pitt, and Isabel Lahiri (Catherine Zeta-Jones). There are many plot twists and turns before the crew decides they need to increase their numbers by one. They decide to get Tess Ocean, played by Julia Roberts, involved and thus become "Ocean's Twelve". |