Gettysburg (1993)
Genre Drama; Adventure; War; Action
Studio Warner Bros.
Movie Release Date 1993
Country USA
Language English
Audience Rating PG (Parental Guidance)
Running Time 261 mins
Format DVD
Color Color
IMDb Rating 7.6
Tom Berenger Lt. Gen. James Longstreet
Martin Sheen Gen. Robert E. Lee
Stephen Lang Maj. Gen. George E. Pickett
Jeff Daniels Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
Richard Jordan Brig. Gen. Lewis A. Armistead
Andrew Prine Brig. Gen. Richard B. Garnett
Cooper Huckabee Henry T. Harrison
Patrick Gorman Maj. Gen. John Bell Hood
Bo Brinkman Maj. Walter H. Taylor
James Lancaster Lt. Col. Arthur Fremantle
Richard Anderson
Royce D. Applegate
Dwier Brown
C. Thomas Howell
Maxwell Caulfield
Sam Elliot
Marco Balestra
Moctesuma Esparza
Robert Katz
Ronald F. Maxwell
Ronald F. Maxwell
Michael Shaara
This movie gives an insight into the three days of the Battle of Gettysburg. This was one of the most decisive engagements of the Civil War. Using countless volunteer re-enactors from across the entire US, most of the filming took place on the actual historic battlefields in Virginia where the original fighting took place. Many of the famous military figures such as Gen. Robert E. Lee (Martin Sheen), Lt. Gen. James Longstreet (Tom Berenger), Col. Joshua Chamberlain (Jeff Daniels), and Maj. Gen. George E. Pickett (Stephen Lang), are shown struggling with personal issues as well as military dilemmas. The film has action on a grand scale accompanied with historical drama and a spectacular sound track.
Personal Details
Seen It Yes
Index 134
Collection Status In Collection
Links IMDB
Amazon US
DVD Empire
Storage Device
Edition Details
Distributor Turner Home Ent
Edition Special Edition
Barcode 053939613926
Region Region 1
Chapters 81
Release Date 2/3/2004
Packaging Snap Case
Screen Ratio Widescreen (16:9, Anamorphic)
Subtitles English; French; English (Closed Captioned)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital Stereo [French]
Dolby Digital 5.0 [English]
Layers Dual Side, Single Layer
Nr of Disks/Tapes 1
12/30/2008 11:27:57 AM