Bowling For Columbine (2002)
Genre Comedy; Drama; Documentary
Studio MGM/UA
Movie Release Date 2002
Country Canada
Language English
Audience Rating R (Restricted)
Running Time 114 mins
Format DVD
Color Color
IMDb Rating 8.2
Michael Moore Himself
Charlton Heston Himself
Marilyn Manson Himself
Dick Clark Himself
Denise Ames Sexy Girl with Gun
Arthur A. Busch Himself
George W. Bush Himself
Matt Stone Himself
Dick Cheney Himself
Bill Clinton Himself
Jacobo Arbenz Himself, President of Guatemala
Mike Bradley Himself, Mayor of Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
George Bush Himself
Michael Caldwell Himself, police detective
Richard Castaldo Himself, Columbine victim
Steve Davis Himself, deputy sheriff
Byron Dorgan Himself
Michael Moore
Michael Moore
Charles Bishop
Jim Czarnecki
Chris Aldred
Michael Moore
The movie is an objective presentation of facts regarding the thousands of people killed in the United States of America by the use of firearms. The filmmaker (Michael Moore) is trying to figure out the reason behind this blood-shedding among Americans. There is no war going on in the U. S. that would justify these many deaths; even culture, history and the availability of guns cannot be the reason. There is too many other countries that have the same background, but have not as many killings and homicides, by far. The only aspects that sort of make sense in this are the corporate and political world.
Personal Details
Seen It Yes
Index 167
Collection Status In Collection
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Edition Details
Distributor MGM (Video & DVD)
Edition Special Edition
Barcode 027616882264
Region Region 1
Chapters 32
Release Date 8/19/2003
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3, Letterboxed)
Widescreen (16:9, Anamorphic)
Subtitles English; Spanish; English (Closed Captioned)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital Stereo [English]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
Nr of Disks/Tapes 2
12/30/2008 11:27:50 AM